Hidden Memories Team
Verusca Calabria
Dr Verusca Calabria is the project lead and a Research Fellow in the department of Social Work, Care and Community, School of Social Sciences, Nottingham Trent University, UK. Verusca is an interdisciplinary qualitative researcher and an experienced Oral History practitioner. She worked as a community-based Oral Historian for 10 years before joining Nottingham Trent University. Her PhD research focused on the experiences of mental health service users and professionals who gave and received care in the now closed mental hospitals in Nottinghamshire across a period of 50 years.
Andreia Rodrigues
Andreia is a Ceramist Designer, with a background in Decorative Arts and is currently studying an MA Museum and Heritage Development. She as a passion for art, heritage and culture history while engaging in meaningful conversations. “ Oral history helps us set out the narrative of the past, by comprehending how people and societies experienced the influences of history. It enlightens us about who we are in the present and what we remember about the past In order to to help us better understand how to preserve history for future generations. The Nottingham Mental project immediately resonated in me at a personal level. It allowed not only to understand more about this component of British history that has been neglected but also provide valuable skills essential in the museum and heritage sector.”
Louise Meiklejohn
Louise is an MA museum and heritage development student at NTU. She heard about this project through her course and was immediately interested due to her personal interest in psychology and social history. Being involved in the project has taught Louise valuable skills that she has taken forward into her final year project where she is interviewing people around their experiences of immigration. She has a strong interest in history from individuals’ perspectives and how this can be used to broaden our traditional narratives around history.
YU-HAO WANG (Howard)
Yu-Hao is a Taiwanese student studying for a master's degree in the Museums and Heritage Development MA course at Nottingham Trent University. He is always interested in heritage research and interpretation of the minority community and the way that museums can incorporate diversity. Yu-Hao says “I am grateful and proud to have the opportunity to be part of this exciting and important project.”
Federico Arguinarena Diaz
Federico is a postgraduate student in Museum and Heritage Development at Nottingham Trent University and he has a background in Conservation. Federico has had an interest in local history and memory based collections in the last few years. Since then, he has exerted himself towards audience engagement and storytelling, enthusiastically conveying his passion for heritage and culture. Federico is currently seeking to pursue a career in the heritage industry, with an international focus.
Emily Hands
Emily is a 22 year old Postgraduate student at Nottingham Trent University studying Museum and Heritage Development. She previously graduated from Norwich University of the Arts with a degree in Illustration and combines creativity, illustration and her keen interest in social history to think of ways in which local communities can engage and come together within their own heritage. Previously, she has interacted with the idea of oral history collecting and archiving for a project in Norfolk called “Roll Up Roll Up”, where she was able to communicate with local residents, and become part of a project that brought together a diverse town on the Norfolk coast via the towns iconic and unique history of circus and performing arts. The Nottingham Mental Health Provision project has allowed her to advance in oral history training, recording and analysing for a future career.
She is currently aspiring to work creatively in a museum for the local community.